Sunday, May 10, 2009

Remember Me?

Well, its been a long time since I blogged because I got hung up on Facebook. That was fun for a while but I must say it has gotten pretty boring. I really don't need to know when someone is blowing their nose or scratching their butt. Blogging is not much more fun but it can be more creative. So I am going to try to get better about blogging.

By the way, the little daughter got engaged so I imagine we will have a few interesting and complicated stories coming our way pretty soon. May God have pity on all of us!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lost in Space

Cyberspace that is. I have been trying very hard to figure out Facebook. Still a novice there. I have stalked a few blogs today and I see that my lovely daughter-in-law, Heather is now selling pony tail holders! What da hell? I got no hair! How about selling some pony tails for certain old guys (and some young ones too but I won't mention any names). I would certainly like something in red like Magnolia's hair color. Can you fix me up?

I also see my daughter is trying to make my granddaughter a hunch back. Help the little girl lay down for crying out loud! And stop making her cry with all that Philly stuff.

My other daughter is away this weekend with her elderly boyfriend. Victor is now well over thirty and who knows how long he has to live?

I must go now to find out if I am any better at facebook than I am at this damn thing. I could use a few friends...take a look at facebook. I am the oldest guy on the site!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm Baaaaack!

Hey...where you been? Long time no see! Crazy end to summer and we hit the ground running. Everyone makes fun of me for having so many days off every year at St. Joe's High School but we did go back a week earlier than everyone else. REMEMBER THAT ON MY NEXT DAY OFF! So, Syracuse to Cleveland to New Jersey, to Rochester and back to Jersey is how we ended the summer. My 10 week old car has 7,200 miles on it!

Our first week with the students is over and I have about 143 work days till the next summer vacation. About 450 work days to North Carolina.

This year's calendar is probably my worst since being ordained. This week, for example, my only free night is Tuesday and that might be booked with a meeting with a parishoner. I look forward to drooling and depends. The best thing about the future is that I can be a burden to my children. You know what they say about pay back! The great part about being an old guy is that expectations about your behavior lessens. People always say, "Oh, you know what dad is like". For example, I take great pride in the fact that in the one week she was here I was able to teach Maeve how to make noises with her mouth and spit slobber everywhere. THAT is an accomplishment.

I am a pretty saavy old dog though. Did everyone see that I have a facebook account? I actually have some "friends". I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing on it but, so far, it is fun.

You may have noticed that I did not change my song yet. That's because I don't know how. I need to talk with Erin or Heather before I can do that. So enjoy the Beverly Hillbillies until I get some help.

Special shout out to those little sneaks who read the blog and never comment. I know you're out there!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Took A Little Trip

Last week we took a little trip to Cleveland via Syracuse to Baptize yet another McCarron kid. This time is it the midwest branch of the family tree. I successfully snatched Daniel James McCarron from the snares of Satan and made him a child of God. I was disappointed when I got to Syracuse to find out that I had to bail my grandson out of prison. Poor kid, his parents left him there.

Once that was taken care of we went to the movies! Also, little Miss Katie was quite the fashion plate. She always likes to dress up before taking a ride on her horse in her pajamas!

We had a very nice stay in both places and when it was time to come home from Cleveland it only took 100 hours. Lovely trip through Pennsylvania in pouring rain and through constructions sites where no one was working. I bought a car on June 13th and as of August 16 I have 5,200 miles on that sucker! I can't wait to get, "On the Road Again".

Friday, August 1, 2008

Y'all Come Back Now

Well, we went south of the Mason Dixon Line this week. The purpose of our trip was to visit our friends, the Clampett's, formerly known as the Beverly Hillibillies (pictured above). That's my wife, Ellie Mae Sue, second from left. Far left is Nurse Ritz Cracker and the couple on the right is Jed and Daisy Clampett from North Carolina via Beverly Hills, New Jersey and Pennsyltucky. It was a great trip. First day we went out on a tooth counting trip. We found many more people had teeth than we originally thought. However, some of them shared the same set of teeth and chewed alternately. I looked into why there were so many people without teeth and the reason seemed obvious after a few days. Everything in the southern restaurants is cooked in tons of butter, deep fried or has been previously chewed by someone else with teeth so you don't really have to chew yourself. Therefore, teeth become unnecessary. After the teeth hunt we decided to drive around and take advantage of the beautiful weather (104 degrees, humid and cloudy). We went to Davidson College in beautiful, downtown Davidson and took a picture just to prove we were there. Apparently, their mascott is a bronze wildcat.

We did not have a lot of time this trip so we left on Thursday. We drove straight through to come home (about 10 hours) with only one stop for fuel for us and the car. We ate at Roy Rogers in West Virginia and after dinner my wife let me ride the horse outside the restaurant. It cost 50 cents. Used to be just 10 cents when I was a kid.
We got home last night at about 9:30 PM and that ended our adventure. Next, wedding on Saturday, Syracuse and Cleveland next week and two weeks after that WORK again!!!! Bites

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Keep the Faith

Don't give up hope...I will be posting tomorrow (Friday)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Entry

I would like to begin by addressing the issue so many of you seem to have with me not blogging very often. First of all, I believe in quality not quantity. I learned my lesson when I had 7 children! Went for the quantity there. Second, it seems that I am too busy living life instead of writing about it! To all who think I don't blog enough....GET A LIFE TOO!!!! As you know, a certain elderly woman in our family has just celebrated ANOTHER birthday. Not really a bad thing. Better to have another than not! Here are some of the pictures from our gala celebration.
As you can see, this band of wandering kids shows up at every party! People can't even blow out their own candles. Then you can see the great table etiquette in progress as they glom up every piece of cake they can get their hands on. When we move to NC I'm not telling anyone the address.